Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My Kinda Place

Call me a tool, but I loved this.

"The new version of Blogger in beta is dead!
Long live the new version of Blogger!
(P.S. The old version of Blogger is not dead, but it would like to retire for a little while... maybe go to Hawaii or play World of Warcraft all day? It begs you to let it play World of Warcraft all day.)

I am overjoyed to announce that today we have o’ficially graduated the new version of Blogger from “in beta” to “.” Why is this significant? Allow me to explain via analogy:

Battlestar Galactica with Lorne Greene : Battlestar Galactica with Edward James Olmos :: Old Blogger : New Blogger"

I'm sure you've seen this on "Blogger Buzz".


I like World of Warcraft. I play it WAY too much (not every day, but it's one of the only video games I play anymore). If I could retire and play World of Warcraft all day, I'd be a happy man. That said, if anyone ever offers you a free trial, run for the hills. I may have just saved your life.

I really like Battlestar Galactica. The new one. Best action/drama/whatever on television. Frack the original, I'm not old enough to appreciate it anyway. I jumped on in season two, which was a lot more polished and absorbing than the first. I was hooked after finally catching a full episode. Originally, the mini-series and first season weren't too appealing to me. Which is a shame because it's worth watching from the very beginning.

In my opinion, anyone intimidated by something in a galaxy far, far away should give the show a chance. The story and cast of this epic are always evolving, each twist keeps you guessing, and anything can happen. Plus the women are hot.

Where was I? Ah, that's right, getting to a point. I think.

I guess maybe it's some sort of sign. Maybe this blog is a good idea.

Yeah, and maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.

Now for some time wasting video love. I give you MS Paint God. Enjoy.

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